The Papercut Artist

Christine donated to #AmeetsA her Mackintosh papercut inspired by the Glasgow School of Art

Starting price: £250,00



Christine Thomson, The Papercut Artist, is a graduate of Glasgow School of Art, where she studied printed textiles. She has many years experience working as an artist ,designer and illustrator: She worked for various plc’s designing garments for M&S and other major retailers before working in interior furnishings and illustration. A natural progression was coming up with the idea of developing her love of illustrating buildings, people and pets into quirky, contemporary works of art..

You may not necessarily want to hang a traditional commemorative print of your village, town, or historical landmark on your wall, but the simplicity and unusual quirky touches are greatly admired when added to the same imagery as a papercut.

Although paper cutting is an ancient art, this treatment of drawings is truly contemporary.